Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Ducks vs Beavers

Parker and Drew were trying to make the Christmas Card alittle exciting this year.

Parkers First Christmas Concert

Parker was really excited to wear his suit to the concert. He looked very handsome....

I think Parker was alittle confused on one of his songs

Friday, November 24, 2006

Thanksgiving with the Edge's

The boys had a great Thanksgiving at Travis and Joni's this year. We did miss the Beruman Family.

Cheers to Parker

Parker, Drew, and Skyler had a great time toasting to Parkers birthday with sparkling grape juice.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Parkers Pre-Birthday Celebration

Parker had a few friends come over today to celebrate his birthday. He was really excited to get the PS2, but I'm sure he would of liked the Xbox 360 but it wasn't in the budget.....

The next Michael Jordan

Drew has started Basketball and is loving it. They lost the first game by quite a few but today's games they won. We will keep you posted.....

Parker Not Cleaning his Room

Parker was suppost to be cleaning his room not watching T.V. We have to check on him multiple times because he can be a sneaky boy......

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Rainy Sunday Afternoon

This weekend Jon and I painted the bathroom, hall and living dining room. The kids were so bored. Here is a picture of them hanging out with the dogs. I would love to say that they stayed out of our way but I have quite a few painted clothes in the washer machaine as we speak. Drew started basketball this weekend and we will have pictures this week for everyone. Parker likes to dribble the ball like the big boys.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween

These were our scary little creatures this year. We had a little ninja with numchucks and the dude from the movie Scream with blood uzing down his face. Parker ran from house to house as he couldn't get enough and Drew had a hard time keeping up.

Carving Pumpkin's at Nonie's

This last weekend we went to see our new addition to the Spence Family, Logan Matthew Spence, Matt and Sara's new baby boy. On the way we went to see Nonie and do a little carving. The boys had a great time cleaning out the pumpkins, Jon did the rest.

Parker's Soccer Fun

This is Parkers second year playing soccer and he loves it. He's not too bad with the ball either. Parker plays on the First Grade team even when he's only in kindergarten. When he is out on the field he smiles and truly enjoys himself. Jon coach this year and even though Parker would love for it to continue Jon is way to busy.

Drew loves Football

Drew loves Football. He watches the T.V. and looks up on the internet the scores on his fantasy football team. Everyday he is asking his Dad sports questions and me who my favorite team player is. (I have no idea) Drew played corner back and he had a good season this year. He is looking forward to Basketball. Lets hope Mom and Dad can rest until then. Drew is Number #28